___   ________   ____  ________  ____  ____ 
   /   | / ___/__ \ / __ \/__  /__ \/ __ \/ __ \
  / /| | \__ \__/ // / / /  / /__/ / /_/ / /_/ /
 / ___ |___/ / __// /_/ /  / // __/\__, /\__, / 
/_/  |_/____/____/\____/  /_//____/____//____/  

AS207299 is a network operated by Michael Petö. It is used for R&D, in diverse fields, with a both commerical and non-commercial background.


We utilize an open peering policy.
Peering or transit is possible if you fit the specified ruling we have.

In order to peer with us, you must

For all peers, we use In order to get transit, you must More information about AS207299 can be found on PeeringDB and bgp.he.net.


For network related inquiries or anything else, you can check my personal site.